If you live in Cluj-Napoca, you have probably been to Floresti.  It is the suburb to the west which hosts Vivo Mall, the fastest growing area of Cluj.

You might also know about Huedin, a town about two train stops away from Cluj that has interesting homes that look like castles.

You may have also noticed some negative press about the great stink.  Well, now residents of Floresti of Huedin have both banded together to clean up their towns.  You can see articles in the Monitorul de Cluj with families who voluntary filled garbage bags to clean up their neighbourhoods. Three generations, from grandparents to children, were involved in the effort.  Huedin had its effort first, on Saturday, followed by a Sunday clean up in Florest.

World Cleanup Day was this weekend, and it seems that people from all over Cluj volunteered to make their town a cleaner, and better, place.

We also noticed in Lidl on Monday morning a bunch of garbage bags, like people were trying to clean up a more central part of Cluj.  And Cluj does smell better, so it seems to be working.

We would like to thank all the hard working people who put effort in to make Cluj a cleaner place.

Lucut, Carmen (2023, September 17) Copii, tineri, părinți și bunici din Florești, împreună pentru curățarea zonelor verzi! Monitorul de Cluj. https://www.monitorulcj.ro/floresti/113280-copii-tineri-parinti-si-bunici-din-floresti-impreuna-pentru-curatarea-zonelor-verzi-au-strans-600-de-saci-de-gunoaie

Lucut, Carmen (2023, September 16) Zeci de voluntari, sâmbătă la curățenie generală în Huedin!  Monitorul de Cluj.  https://www.monitorulcj.ro/actualitate/113271-zeci-de-voluntari-sambata-la-curatenie-generala-in-huedin

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