Iohannus to Sun ) What? People getting sunshine for free? No! Those deadbeats must be taxed!

Why do energy taxes exist? Is it to encourage us to use fossil fuels more sparingly, to save the environment, to preserve natural resources, to reduce dependency on imports, and to fight inflation?

If so, then why does the Romanian government want to tax renewable energies?

One contributor to a Cluj social media group claims that it might be to protect the monopoly. If people cannot make their own energy, they become more dependent on big suppliers.

According to opponents, the proposed legislation would force those who create their own renewable energy to install meters so the energy they create can be taxed.

The political party USR has a petition to stop the sun tax: Analiza-Prosumatori-DPP-USR.pdf

And G4Media reported on the story. USR, despre o ordonanță emisă de Guvern, „noaptea, ca hoții”, chiar înaintea mini-vacanței de 1 Decembrie: PSD-PNL a introdus taxa pe soare. Cerem stoparea publicării în Monitorul Oficial și refacerea ordonanței (

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