by Fatca Pop
25 September, 2023
If you can read to B2 level, you still may have trouble understanding the Cornelescu or Romanian Orthodox Bibles. Some of the words in them are archaic perhaps, but many just aren’t taught in standard Romanian classes (and they are still used in legal procedures and other capacities, so they are worth learning even if you don’t read the Bible in Romanian).
So, we decided to supply some words to help those in Bible study groups. (Or those who want to understand without joining Bible study groups).
Today, we will start with less than 30 words that are in Corinthians chapter 8. If you have other words that you need help with to understand that chapter, then perhaps your level is below B2, perhaps even below B1.
Once you know the words below, someone with B2 Romanian should be able to read that chapter in six minutes.
Would you like vocabulary lists for other words? Let us know in the comments, and we will see what we can do.
- pricina
- cause, reason
- arzătoare
- scorching, flaming, burning
- părtașul
- the partaker (părtaș la is to be a party to, or to partake of)
- ușurați
- eased, relieved, made light
- strâmtorați
- strapped, burdened, fallen short
- înfăptuirea
- attainment, doing, caring out
- strânsese
- have gathered, amassed (mai mult ca perfect)
- lipsă
- a lack
- dintâi
- first, foremost, former
- voiți
- you, plural, want
- isprăviți
- finished, ‘made an end of’
- săvârșim
- we commit (as in a sin), we’re doing, we accomplish
- harul
- (the) grace
- necazuri
- trouble
- lucie
- abject, to the maximum
- belșug
- abundance, plenty, wealth
- dărnicie
- generosity, benevolence, kindness, liberality
- bună voie
- willingly
- stăruințe
- exhortation, persistence
- părtășia
- fellowship, communion
- nădăjdui
- hope, trust, expect
- isprăvească
- to finish, to complete
- o începuse
- had begun (it)
- râvnă
- alacrity, zeal, lots of enthusiasm
- binefacere
- belevolence, charity
- altora
- someone else’s, each other’s
- căci
- since, because
- prisosul
- abundance, surplus prisosul de populație – surplus population (Scrooge in A Christmas Carol)