Okay, so Magic Clean has been available for some time.  But we had to use a whole carton of it, to test it, before we could recommend it.

Small and portable

Magic Clean is fantastic.  Not only is it environmental, and sensitive (for those with allergies), it is also light, which helps to lighten the load when shopping.  32 washes fit in a large paper envelope, it looks more like a small book or large letter than washing detergent.  The other brands I use, you need to use at least one and a half litres of liquid, often two litres, to wash as much.  And it usually comes in a plastic container.

If you ever just want to walk home with your shopping, or even if you drive and you carry it up stairs (or from the car to your door), you will soon appreciate how light Magic Clean is.


You don’t have to measure the amounts with the messy lid, just tear off a perforated square and there is an average load.  (It may need to be adjusted if you are super dirty or sweaty, but that goes with any detergent.)


We have been using it for some time, and it appears to be fine for sensitive skin.  Let us know if you tried it and found otherwise, but the lack of perfumes and other toxins seems to translate to a lack of irritants as well.


Magic Clean costs a little more per recommended wash dose than some of the cheapest alternatives.  (Sometimes almost fifty percent more than the really cheap stuff).  However, sensitive detergent, whether environmental or not, tends to cost about the same or more.

Where to buy them

So far, we found the the washing squares, or detergent if you prefer, at large Kaufland and large Carrefour stores in Cluj.  (You might also find it at DM or Altex).

We did not find it at Mega Image, but Mega Image (like large Carrefours) has its own light, environmental powder.  It may not have the convenient tear-off squares, but it is relatively still light per wash.

We also didn’t see Magic Clean or a suitable alternative yet at the four other large chains we tried, but rather than naming and shaming them, we’ll give them time.  Most of these supermarkets do offer “eco” powders in giant bottles, but these simply don’t have the convenience of a light alternative that you can easily carry in a backpack.


We aren’t being paid to sell these, we just like them.  However, until we say otherwise, Magic Clean is our new favourite “detergent” for washing clothes.

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